
How to STOP and CHANGE a negative corporate mindset towards RFx’s responses! 3 things to do Day 1

Lost connections, opportunities, and 3 things to do day 1 to change that

Back in my day (I can say that now, at 64 yrs old and 40+ years in gov’t sales), it was considered a FIREABLE offense to MISS an RFP, RFO, or RFI (RFx) that my technology company could have and should have competed on, AND, as important, NOT to uncover that an existing customer was considering the use of a non-advertised contract vehicle* to upgrade, extend maintenance, add integrated software, etc. As a major account salesperson, I wanted to and was expected to know thoroughly our customer and major accounts’ vision, budget, and intentions (along with a BUNCH of people involved and influencing procurements!).

FAST-FORWARD a bunch of years - In more recent times, our team (YBM staff AND our clients) are often puzzled (but not TOO unhappy!) when our most notable competition and often the incumbent vendor have seemingly not shown up during the procurement processes and have:

  • simply missed or have not taken part in the bid process and meetings,

  • provided no questions or became involved in any way, and

  • have not shown up on the “registered” vendor list.

According to the results and words of the agency, this has included incumbent vendors that have not put forth a compliant response and shown little effort.

We take any announcement and release of an RFx to mean the agency’s door is open to ideas and utilize questioning during the question process to determine if this is actually the case AND, in fact, a glowing opportunity for us! And if so, why NOT pursue these RFx’s and offer to those (bosses, partners, distributors, etc.) with a negative attitude towards these with some facts!

FACTS with exciting and recent contract awards in which the competition did not show and we were not the incumbent:

  • 2,000+ user document imaging with project management and integration services at $500,000+ to a California top 20 school district with ongoing annual revenue at $35,000 plus IT add-ons.

  • 300+ user system to Oregon’s 3rd largest county and home to the state capital in which the incumbent offered a “poor” response, and our team crafted a UNIQUE (no boilerplate mistakes, please) with a 40+ page response highlighting customer references, functional resumes, and impressing them with our plans and ”CARE in response” as our NOW NEW customer shared.

These are two examples of many awarded based on “best-value” and not low cost.

3 things we can do day 1 when RFx’s are released:

Day 1

  1. (minute 1) - Connect with the buyers identified on the procurement. I enjoy thanking them for thinking of us (even though they may not have!), sending a thank you card - WAY old school - and for giving us the opportunity to compete, noting that a buyer’s process requires responses so we can take a little worry off their minds!

  2. Engage immediately in the process of reading thoroughly the provided documents

  3. Begin researching past procurements of the buying agency

The outcome of these 3 things to do day 1 allows our team to come up with relevant questions (often staggered over a few days but as many as are needed!) to assess and gain insights into the “attitude” of procurement as well as how we may, in fact, compete!

Day 2 plus

  • Continue by adding research into competitors, current and past price points, are products and / or software registered on product registration websites (another OFFENSE if I didn’t do that first!), and their possible unique strategies to further aid in our unique questioning and eventual proposed solution

  • Identify influencers and control agencies and possible connections and involvement

  • Attempt, through appropriate channels and questioning, to offer new ideas that MAY result in a too “RESTRICTIVE” specification change that may be a disadvantage OR may aid our response. (I.E., a suggestion to the buying agency to ask for technical certifications, more thorough references for a specific application, etc. This also aids in “attitude” assessment and a GO or NO GO decision)

Summary note

We like to encourage our Certified Small Business, DVBE, and even large enterprises clients to adopt a positive attitude that may include “it is our taxpayer right and obligation” to compete, to get in the mix, and the fight (not physically, of course), to “stir things up,” and to have our stories told - loud and clear. There is too much history of revenue obtainment for new vendors through the government’s competitive processes.

After all, would the agency go to bid if they did not have to? I think that is a GREAT question to ask the agency!

Also, offered as a sales and marketing reference as a MAJOR AGENCY WORKFLOW, please find included a one-page workflow created in 2009 for a NOW current TOP TEN Information Technology Goods and Services company (according to Industry Insider and their Insider Tools) as a documented strategy in getting to know your and major accounts!

PS. The “SOCIAL Wheel” was added some years later.

Feel free to email me with any questions and let me know if we can assist in any manner by emailing matthewk@ybmarketing.com.

*a reported 90% of procurements are unadvertised

July - Feb 2020 vs July - Feb 2022 IT purchases comparison in California state gov't

Nov. 2007 was our first report on California spending hoping the research may spark interest in contracting with the government, specifically with California small businesses. We followed this up with a month-to-month report of purchasing in IT services and goods for the month of November 2008 (short summary - the government purchased over $100 MILLION each of these months).

Today, we’ve concluded another comparison - IT Purchases from July 1 through February 18, 2019 - 2020 compared to July 1, 2021, through February 18, 2022!


  • $ 1,896,000,000 total IT spend / contracted for Period 7.1.19 - 2.18.20 (rounded back in those days :) )

  • $1,992,845,749. total IT spend / contracted for Period 7.1.21 - 2.18.22

    Small Business

  • $155,000,000 IT Goods spend / contracted for Period 7.1.19 - 2.18.20

  • $145,449,332 IT Goods spend / contracted for Period 7.1.21 - 2.18.22

    • $132,309,610 IT Services

Added DVBE to end of period 2022

Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE)

  • $3,489,029 IT Services spend / contracted for Period 7.1.21 - 2.18.22

  • $49,885,835 IT Goods spend / contracted for Period 7.1.21 - 2.18.22

IT Purchases in California state government

Also, total transactions were:

13,315 total IT services and goods transactions

4,892 total small business transactions

1,205 total DVBE transactions

There are many other very interesting data elements present such as WHO is winning most contracts and contract vehicles are most in use. Please email us if this is interesting info and we will provide it!

Please note - Small business includes all certifications including SB |DVBE, SB | PW, SB| MB, SB | MB | DVBE, etc.

Pursuing bids in California? Nov. highlighted bids due in Dec from cities, counties, and state executive branch

November our company and clients have received over 200 new IT bids. Many we will pursue on behalf of our clients’ to connect with buyers, ask questions to understand and uncover buyer tendencies and mindset, and then determine if we WILL respond OR just send a THANK YOU note (always recommended!).

Highlights of the *bids and their hosted procurement website include:

  • City of Lake Forest - Elec Document Management - Bid on Planet Bids - Due Dec 7, 2021

  • State Teachers Retirement System - RFO - Technology Services Operating Model - Bid on Cal Eprocure - due Dec 16, 2021 (they like CMAS!)

  • San Francisco Bay Conservation Comm - Strategic Planning Facilitator - Bid on Cal eProcure - due Dec 17, 2021

  • City of Bakersfield - MULTIPLE bids including Lenovo, VMWare - Bid on Planet bids

  • City of San Diego - multiple bids including HP Business Class Desktop and laptops - Bids on Planet bids

  • LA County - Multiple ( they ALWAYS have multiple!) including Upstream, Infoblox, Dell / EMC storage, Symantec - Bids on THEIR website!

  • State executive branch - (Cal eProcure) multiple from General Services, Corrections, Housing, DMV - Bids on CaleProcure!

Let us know if we can help! Bids can be a wonderful means to find out more about an account, agency and its departments, and CIO thinking!

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Seven (7) tips in marketing to the government and other large markets!

There is LOTS of wonderful research by a number of market leaders. This one-page document compiles a TOP TIPS utilized in our campaigns coupled with a few of our own!

Timeliness in responding to a new, potential customer’s requests is an important example. Research has shown that responding within the FIRST HOUR to an inquiry, website visit, or email click-through will positively impact your organization’s chance of earning this new customer! AND as a technology example, adding CHAT from FaceBook (free but we haven’t tested its strong/weak points) or an application such as ZOHO SalesIQ (NOT free BUT integrated to ZOHO CRM AND we use it!) is a wonderful example of immediacy and personalized in engagement when the response is a PERSON and not a bot! (Bots are second in our strategy, people FIRST! Sorry, Bots).

We’ve deployed processes with our clients which often includes:

  1. an immediate response (chat response, email) from a knowledgeable staff member followed by

  2. a kind-hearted telephone call!

Please let us know if we can assist in your strategy development and what applications are enabling these processes.

California government purchases show BILLIONS invested

YB Marketing staff enjoy research and our California government agencies, cities, counties, special districts and educational organizations offer plenty! In our most recent research, we looked into the state government of California and its purchases covering July 1, 2019, through February 18, 2020, and with a specific focus on IT GOODS and IT SERVICES. These two categories encompass

Information Technology Goods which include products from everything from small document scanners, computer cables to high-end, enterprise storage and

Information Technology Services including technology and product project implementation consulting worth MILLIONS of dollars to one project manager or application developer required for a short term project.

Of interest to YB Marketing (YBM) are the purchases shown for the California Certified Small Business.

NOTE(s) and answers to our most recent questions

  • YES, through available publicly available and online records searching, we/you can DRILL INTO information per department and/or vendor that supplied the service

  • YES, MUCH of this research can go back many years, if desired.

Our Findings shown :

State of CA procurement research.jpg

For further request and requests, please contact YB Marketing!